Hi, how have you spent your New Year holidays? Were they fun?
For example, mine were very cool because I had a lot of sleep. It was awesome! I came to my family’s place, my hometown Kineshma. I missed home, so I enjoyed the time spent there very much. By the way, I found out that my dog Chip started behaving better! It was amazing. Now he is a truly good boy. I think it happened because he and my mother became friends after I had left home and kinda moved to Nizhny Novgorod. Their frindship was surprizing for me, too. But it’s OK, I’m happy that they get along now.
Honestly, the holidays were not the best for all my family. They were nervous for me personally, so it influenced all my family members. As one my friend says: ‘Sh*t happens.’ =))) I’m so sorry that you’ve read the phrase but she says literally like this. And when Masha does it (the friend’s name is Masha), there is the thought in my head: ‘OMG, why are you saying it?’ However, I just start laughing with her.
Anyway, I’m happy that I had the holidays because they let me sleep like crazy. Yeah, it was not the best choice of spending the free time but I think I needed it.
Thanks for reading, gl!