“Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others— not realizing that everyone has a different question paper.”

1 min readDec 8, 2020


I absolutely agree with this statement. We live — we learn every day. It only means that life is so difficult that we will not understand it to the complete until our last day =) Isn’t that cool? It is also frightening. But the quote above is not about this — it is about finding and living your true self. Copying others. Why? Because it is easier than doing something you believe to be your mission of life.

We all are so different. Unfortunately, we do not understand it sometimes, or just forget about it. As it is already said, our life is “the most difficult exam”, we face so many obstacles — that’s why it is so easy do lose pep. Only it is important to remember that nothing lasts forever, neither bad days nor the blues. Such a complicated challenge to find your true self, very easy to lose or forget somewhere — that is why a lot of people “try to copy others” but to no avail because later they understand that the “question paper” is in fact different for everyone.




Written by Ivan

Hi, my name is Ivan. I’m the 1st year student of Dobrolubov State Linguistics University in Nizhny Novgorod.

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