Hi, everyone! Is anybody interested to know how wonderful the 1st 10 days at LUNN are? If yes, keep reading!;)
There’re a lot of great impressions for me, a freshman of the N.A. Dobrolubov Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod! The first AMAZING thing to tell you about is our English classes. They’re really exciting and awesome. We correct our pronunciational mistakes, learn phonetics, but also sing beautiful American songs, watch fascinating movies and videos… Of course, English classes are main for us, nevertheless, others aren’t less interesting. Now I start loving History and Latin! Btw, P.E. is also cool, ’cause I like jogging $:)
While studying here for 10 days, I’ve got some achievements! I don’t think they actually can be named like this, but anyway! Now I can understand in which Building of the University I am (just a little), moreover, I can take books in American Library ’cause now I’ve got the library card. What else… To be honest, my achievements aren’t pretty cool *>:) At least, now I feel the rhythm of the city and the University life, of course.
As I’ve already said, studying here is kinda exciting and splendid stuff! And I wanna add that I’ve got some strong plans for my following activities! Lol, just kidding :D As one of my English homework dialog says: “The things’re pretty busy now!” It means that I’m just trying to do my homework and not forget about an evening jogging!;)
Thanks everyone who’s read it, wish u the best of luck c: