Hello, everyone. I have some news for you! I and my groupmates have lived through our first Midterms!
To tell the truth, it was not very scary. The exercises were all right, not too difficult. But the mistakes I made, they were so stupid! In one of the tests I forgot the saying: “The chip off an old block” and wrote instead of it “the block off an old truck” =)))) It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? Fortunately, I crossed out the word “truck” because something inside of me felt that it was a wrong word. Well, I also remember one funny thing that my groupmate wrote. And I text about it not to laugh at this but just because I like the metaphor. She wrote “silver diver” instead of “silver surfer”. Everyone in our group finds it so funny! But I just like how she said it. Why not silver diver? Maybe (yes, I finally write the word “maybe” correctly =))) ), some old people like diving into the Net more than just surfing it. Haven’t you thought about it?
Also, I continue reading “The Girl on the Train”. I’ve already read 100 pages. I really feel for the characters. They have so many problems and nobody to help them. Why? Why is Rachel so alone? And why does nobody understand Megan? I very hope they’ll become happier later.
And finally, I have something to show you. We had to write an essay on the Norman Rockwell’s painting “Family Tree”. It was one of the tasks of our Midterms. Our teacher Ms. B checked the essays and advices us to publish them on Medium! Why not? If you have a minute, you can read my essay about one Spanish princess and her unfortunately short life story =( However, I tried to make the story not only dramatic but meaningful, too.