We had the secret tasks at our English class. Mine was to select 3 people to participate in the international Folk Art Fair in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
I’ve chosen Izzy from Philadelphia. She’s a very friendly and creative person, that’s what I basically have been looking for. She’s into knitting and cooking. Also, she’s fond of literature. So, I decided that she could cook some folk dishes for the Fair.
Then, I’ve chosen Kitniss Fox from New York. I’ve found her to be a noble, talented person. She’s an architect and designer and she’s had some experience in Folk Art. She’s decorated a studio in Russian Folk style. Also, she’s told that she could provide me some pics of her workd connected with Folk Art.
Finally, I’ve chosen Hatriet Raley from North Carolina. She’s not interested in Folk Art at all, also, she’s not connected with any art. She’s more science-person, I guess. She earns a living by being a software programmer. But she told me that she was a hardworking, responsible and patient person and that she was very good in organizing events. So, I thought that she simply could help me with the organizing of the Fair.
Thanks for reading, good luck